The Big Stocktake
Dirty o'l town, dirty o'l town.
I did a little more work on the buildings for my Blood and Plunder set.
First, I dry-brushed the door and window frames to help them stand out a bit more from the walls. For this I just used a really light grey followed by a light drybrush of off-white.
I then gave the entire building a quick coating or army painter quickshade. This not only adds an extra level of grime that helped give that lived in look to buildings but also adds a nice protective varnish.
The shutters and doors were all undercoated with leather brown spray paint before being dry-brushed lighter shades of brown until the top highlight was almost white.
I then used various Games Workshop glazes over the doors and shutters to create a weathered painted wood look. Finally, I picked out the metal studs on the doors with some chainmail paint.
I assembled all the doors and shutters using thin wire to allow them all to open and close before giving the entire model a coat of spray matt varnish.
The next stages will be to add some detailing and do the bases.
2022-09-06 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!