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Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 12
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The second scenario is adapted from the quarantine 37 book  using the rules for bugs to introduce some xenomorphs. The two sides scramble to steal loot and get out a doorway. The rules say don't use corridor tables like this as it creates choke points. We spaced things out as best we could and med lab and operations are fairly big spaces The second scenario is adapted from the quarantine 37 book using the rules for bugs to introduce some xenomorphs. The two sides scramble to steal loot and get out a doorway. The rules say don't use corridor tables like this as it creates choke points. We spaced things out as best we could and med lab and operations are fairly big spaces
Immediately bugs drop down from the ceiling and after some shocking attempts to gun them down leap into combat. The resulting melee stops the marines from progressing Immediately bugs drop down from the ceiling and after some shocking attempts to gun them down leap into combat. The resulting melee stops the marines from progressing
The UPP have a similar problem in the med labThe UPP have a similar problem in the med lab
Flame units are great in confined spaces and Flame units are great in confined spaces and
The UPP decide to gang up on the alien knock it out of combat and shoot itThe UPP decide to gang up on the alien knock it out of combat and shoot it
A UPP commando sets up position to snipe at any marines who come this way while his hacker friend logs into the terminal A UPP commando sets up position to snipe at any marines who come this way while his hacker friend logs into the terminal
While the marines struggle with warrior bugs pinning them in operations the UPP grab the lootWhile the marines struggle with warrior bugs pinning them in operations the UPP grab the loot
The UPP make good their escape while the marines struggle The UPP make good their escape while the marines struggle
The marines get one loot token out through a duct while the UPP grab 4.The marines get one loot token out through a duct while the UPP grab 4.
Game over manGame over man

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