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Kali Yuga: The Age of Conflict

Kali Yuga: The Age of Conflict

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In defense of Boobs

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 8
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I’ll go ahead and think about buying some Maiden Guard, when I start buying minis next year, as it fits in with the end of the Shunga Empire and the assassination of the last Shunga ruler Devabhuti. From the Ancient World entry the final leader was noted to have been rather fond of the ladies. Gaming in the gaps I’ll say that Lord Boobs was rather fond as well but not yet taken as far afield as The Dictator (as played by Sasha Baron Cohen) or the late Col. Qaddafi.

Finely sculpted figuresFinely sculpted figures

Looks like I’ve found the definitive info for some ancient Indians that relates not only to the line of figures I’ve seen but the industry in general. The only work I’ve seen in 28mm done in metal was produced for the game(?) Molon Labe back in January 2011 taken on by Sgt Major Miniatures. SMM appears to go belly up in 2017. I’ve found that the range was split between 1st Corps , Newline Designs and Thistle&Rose Miniatures at the time of SMM folding. This comes from looking over images on offer from 1st Corps and Newline.

The blog Irregular Wars featured the Project Bacchae and had an entry for their own development of an Indian force showing off a conversion from the two greens that ended up in the hands of Thistle&Rose. For anyone interested in making their own 28mm Indian force using metal this might be very helpful


Good work by another hobbyistGood work by another hobbyist

1st Corps and Newline seem to possess a good portion of moulds to offer a whole army either way when you dig a bit and spread cash about. I haven’t reached out to Thistle&Rose but they claim the Vendel model line that included them. I might get enough to field a squad of Warriors or double Hearthguard. One mustn’t squander time, effort or money in the defense of Boobs after all.

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