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Stargrave battle report 1

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 12
I adapted the salvage scenario from the stargrave rulebook. Instead of a crashed derelict we had the drops hip with a sentry gun set up on the landing grid. The Union of Progressive people and the colonial marines have to grab the loot from the ships ramp and the surrounding loot. I adapted the salvage scenario from the stargrave rulebook. Instead of a crashed derelict we had the drops hip with a sentry gun set up on the landing grid. The Union of Progressive people and the colonial marines have to grab the loot from the ships ramp and the surrounding loot.
The UPP close in on the abandoned drops hip and come under fire from the automated defenses The UPP close in on the abandoned drops hip and come under fire from the automated defenses
The colonial marines close in on the opposite side laying down fire from a gunner The colonial marines close in on the opposite side laying down fire from a gunner
As the crews grab loot tokens this plucky marine takes shits at the UPP as they secure the main objective As the crews grab loot tokens this plucky marine takes shits at the UPP as they secure the main objective
A UPP runner heads for a data loot but gets gunned down A UPP runner heads for a data loot but gets gunned down
The marines dowse the UPP with a fleme thrower keeping them back while the first mate secures some loot The marines dowse the UPP with a fleme thrower keeping them back while the first mate secures some loot
The UPP set up a field of fire across the landing grid before heading to the rear of the drops hip to secure the data loot that the marines were near capturing The UPP set up a field of fire across the landing grid before heading to the rear of the drops hip to secure the data loot that the marines were near capturing
The marines give chase but the burner is gunned down crossing the gridThe marines give chase but the burner is gunned down crossing the grid
The marines lay down fire and the UPP head off the field while the marines head the other way with what data they have The marines lay down fire and the UPP head off the field while the marines head the other way with what data they have

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denzienhorati0nosebl0werDarren Harmon Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This is great, I love it.

Cult of Games Member

A plucky marine takes shits at the enemy… when we hear “Fire in the hole!” it is not going to be happy times

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