Star Wars Legion. BigGrim's Ever-Growing Separatist Army!
Tournament done, back to work!
I had a wee breather after the tournament but swiftly started on Viper Probe Droids and Sith Probe Droids as a quick bit of fun. Typical priming with silver, the inked and drybrushed as previously described. Then, the shells were painted Black Templar, with the lens painted Blood Angel Red. Based as usuual.
Then, my younger Brother sent me a third squad of B2s and a third Dwarf Spider! Those got built and painted immediately!
Finally, I finished my T Series Tactical Droid and got the fearsome General Grievous finished. Tactical Droid got the typical B1 colour work. Then detailed with Ultramarine Blue Contrast (Surprisingly dark.) with the blaster in Black Templar.
Grievous was the same bone work but brought up to a brighter finish. Then, Black Templar for his exoskeleton, silver for the lightsabers handles and blades. Talassar Blue and Warp Lightning Green for the blades. Gloss Varnish to finish. The Cloak was Grey Seer with two coats of Black Templar with the inside being Blood Angels Red, a drybrush of a fire dragon orange followed by a second Blood Angel Red coat. Based as usual.
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