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Returning to The Borderlands - Behind the Scenes

Returning to The Borderlands - Behind the Scenes

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Well that was easy. Not.

Tutoring 1
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Idea 1
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After two full days of rummaging through multiple Reaper Bones Kickstarters, the contents of innumerable fantasy boardgames, lord alone knows how many storage boxes of minis collected over the past four decades and finally just shy of 4TB of STLs – I have only come up with four of the six figures I need. Grrr.

I have set aside a shedload of other stuff that I’m pretty certain will come in handy going forward, but for now, those last two figures are eluding me. However, I shall not be defeated. I have a weekend of gaming ahead of me and so my search will pause until Monday, but then I’ll be back with a vengeance!

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