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Returning to The Borderlands

Returning to The Borderlands

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Beginning the Campaign

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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This is where I’ll start detailing my Five Leagues play-through. I won’t go into the rules too much, partly because, like all rules, they can make dry reading, but mostly to try and maintain a sense of immersion. I will need to clarify or explain some things like choices and results, but overall, I’ll try to keep things narrative.

If anyone wants to ask anything, please feel free to chime in at any time. If anyone wants to play along, you can pick up your own copy of Five Leagues from the Borderlands from either DriveThruRPG or Modipius Entertainment. You can easily play using just dice, pencil and paper. Minis and scenery are optional – just use either graph paper or a battlemat and meeples, pogs, pawns, standees, 2D paper tokens pasted onto bits of card, whatever you happen to have to hand.

I will be detailing the stuff that needs to be done to get the games on the table over in a sister project, called imaginatively enough, “Returning to The Borderlands- Behind The Scenes”. You can find that here if you’re interested.

My Warband: The Fellowship of Exiles (aka. Ranold’s Company)

  • Cer Ranold – human male, Noble (Avatar)

  • Hurgon (the Grey) – human male, Zealot (Hero)

  • Bertolo – halfling male, Frontiersman (Hero)

  • Merlara – fey-blood female, Mystic (Hero)

  • Nedrik – human male, Brave Villager (Follower)

  • Tobin – human male, Hopeful Youth (Follower)

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