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Shanghai 2095 - A game designed with Ai

Shanghai 2095 - A game designed with Ai

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Rules Starting Point

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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This is the base starting point for the rules. This isn’t set in stone but are my jumping off point.

This set of rules is designed to be a fast, quick and easy set for small to medium scale skirmish battles. It is a simple set of rules that can be played in a lunch time or allows several games to be played in an evening. It is suitable for 15mm and 28mm scale miniatures.

Rules Starting Point

1 man = 1 miniature 1 inch = 1 metre


Everyone else 5”

Trained Infantry 5”

Militia/Police 5”

Corporation troops 8”

Mercs 9”

Vehicles 12”

Hover Vehicles 14”

Horse/Camel/Animal 10”

All movement includes firing and reloading. You may move and shoot. The only exception to this is those troops/individuals armed with single shot weapons. All trained troops armed with magazine fed rifles, may shoot twice if they don’t move, pistols may move and then fire twice.

Rules Starting Point

Weapon Range (1 metre = 1 inch)


Bow 0-15 m

Crossbow 0-20 m

Pistol/SMG 0-10 m

Las Pistol 0-15 m

Rifle 0-20 m

Las Rifle 0-35 m

Flamer 0-40 m

Heavy MG 0-50 m

Las Cannon 0-80 m

Plasma Cannon 0-60 m

Pistols may fire twice and can be targeted at two targets. Machine guns roll 2d6 to determine how many enemies are targeted.

Las Cannons and flamers will use a flame template. Combat Players use 2d6 and a hit is achieved on a roll of 8 or more.

Rules Starting Point


Veteran infantry +1

Sharpshooter/sniper +2

Behind Partial Cover -1

Behind Hard Cover -2

Target is at Long Range -2

Target is Prone -3

Close Combat Using 1d6, both players roll their respective dice and the highest roll wins. If both players roll an equal number, then combat continues in the next round. An individual may break from combat but to do so takes a -1 modifier

Close Combat Modifier

Leaving Combat -1

In Cover +1

More than One Attacker +1 per attacker (Max 3)

Attack from Rear +1

Mounted Vs Infantry +2 to Cavalry

Rules Starting Point

Morale Morale must be checked once a unit has received 50% or more casualties. Non-military and Militia troops will take morale checks when charged by superior numbers. Trained troops will always stand and fight. Troops under constant artillery barrage will need to make morale checks. If a unit has received three attacks from artillery in a row, then this is considered constant barrage.

Morale checks are made using a 1d6. They will need to roll equal or higher to pass a morale check.

Trained Troops 3

Militia 3

Everyone 4

Corporation 3

Mercs 2

Police 4

Rules Starting Point


Within 6” of a Officer +1

Being charged by vehicles -1

Being Charged by military/corporation/ mercs -1

Behind Cover +1

Loss of Commander -2

Less than 50% of Unit 0

Attacked in the rear -3

Military troops can rally around the flag/officer giving the player a +2 on all morale tests. This will become a -2 if the standard bearer comes under attack and is killed.

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