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Silver Sea Dogs

Silver Sea Dogs

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Ammendments to Silver Bayonet

Tutoring 10
Skill 9
Idea 12
1 Comment

Having looked through Silver Bayonet,  I don’t much is needed to convert them, for this earlier period.

The idea is that you play a party of Sea Dogs , Spanish or Natives, Mayans or Aztecs fighting in the Equatorial forests of Central and Southern America and the Islands of the Spanish Main raiding or defending Small settlements and gold/silver shipments as the main reason for being, but with added supernatural elements thrown in from both European and Mezo American cultures (such as Aztec Lizard men). Though there is no reason you can’t use it for the Conquistadors period.

Ammendments to Silver Bayonet

The small parties used in Silver Bayonet ( or Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago , I certainly think you should look at the Beasties in them for inspiration) fit with how the Sea Dogs broke up their crews for raids, I wold suggest expanding your parties to 10. You can either expand  recruitment points or have a freebie type which can make the number up.

As the vast majority of ships crews were inexperienced wanna be adventurers perhaps a generic landsman class with basic hand weapons   no armour , representing the recruit on his 1st Voyage or townsperson press ganged into the defenders .

So for Silver Bayonet.


Nationalties :All

Speed : 6


Accuracy: +0

Defence : 13

Courage :+0

Health : 10

Recruitment: 0

Attributes : None

Equipment :Hand Weapon  Buckler , Musket  ( English only but take 2 actions to reload or full move to reload)


Example of LandsmanExample of Landsman
The last of Spaniard Squad, examples of LandsmanThe last of Spaniard Squad, examples of Landsman

Now for other General Ammendments:

Armour was in greater use than in the Napoleonic period as was the use of Sheild and Bucklers so I would allow an increase in armour class

Anyone with an Armour class Greater than 2 loses an 1″ of movement, anyone +5 2″


Leather/cloth Armour +1

Chainmail +1 (Genrally worn with above for Example Gallowglass)

Breastplate +2 (cannot be combined with either above)

Helmet +1

Buckler +

Sheild +2

Not play tested above so it may need to be amended to Armour classes if found to be excessive.

For instance

No Amour +0

Light Armour +1 (cloth, Leather)

Heavy Armour  ( mail/plate)

Buckler +1

Sheild +2

assume helm is part of generic Armour, it depends how you want to flex out you equipment list.



The period of the the setting covers  1560 to 1605, which is around the time the 1st Wheelocks were bing introduced  so it up to you if you add them to the mix, earlier such as the Conquistadors period you may want to rule them out  .

Keep stats as in game, but suggest either on shot per game or 2 action to reload as Wheelock were slow to reload ( even if Errol Flynn had repeating pistols)

So far that’s my initial ideas, please make comments if I’ve got anything wrong or any ideas.

I intend to do a revised Soldiers list later in week, which won’t be changing basic stats but will be amended equipment and nationality options.

Biggest problem maybe be the model pistols themselves, , there are non I  the Conquistadors box, and have found non in any of the plastic boxes I have, suggestions anyone?




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Nice Drake’s freelancers? @bobcockayne

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