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Returning to The Borderlands

Returning to The Borderlands

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The Campaign Map - The Northern Borderlands of the Kingdom of Valondir

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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Having generated the basics of the campaign (number/type of settlements, threats to the area and some places of interest, etc.), it was time to create a basic map on which to play out the campaign. For this, I went with Inkarnate. It’s free and relatively easy to use. I could have gone with Wonderdraft, but I really just wanted fast over features.

Once the map was done, I imported it into World Anvil and started adding some extra touches that should hopefully help by giving visual interest as well as offering detailed information without too much clutter. It also means that I can constantly update the map as things change during the course of play.

I’m not entirely sure how to show the map here as the fully interactive version exists on World Anvil’s website and I think the best I can do is offer a link to it whenever anything has changed. For now then, here is a screen grab of the map as it stands just prior to the start of Turn 1.

Campaign Map just before the start of Turn 1Campaign Map just before the start of Turn 1

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