Silver Sea Dogs
Hand to Hand and someone we may know.
Well having done some long range types time to pad with melee troops. Must say the nicely detailed faces on all the boxes make the usual hated faces a lot easier to get reasonable results.
Added to these I got to the troops thar @Avernos may be most interested in my converted Gallowglass, and he does seem to get everywhere, though his hair his hidden here
And here are his supporting cast, I will do finished shots later.
Afternoon Update
Well finished the batch of six figures earlier than I thought, and wouldn’t have time to start the Spaniards, so thought I’ll do the support figures, as in the Drummer and the forgotten Crossbowman, and with the wonders of Contrast paint and Washs finished them in about 2 hours.
Above is a good example of how using just different heads and arm combinations you can make very different figures.
With this party completed, this band is the more historically accurate band of Sea Dogs.
The 2nd will be the more Hollyweird interpretation, mainly more bare headed with only a few helms . The 3rd Alice party will be more piratical using whatever I have left for a 9 year old girl (or Warrens) view of history.
Great work there Bob! faces look excellent. Well done