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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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59+2 MTG: Loka Fire Set Started

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 15, Luxury: 7, Modular: 37, To Ship: 33+
(Plus 2 more that aren’t mine)

I took a week off of painted due to actually playing games.  I’m half way through my KDM Campaign, having finished my first playthrough.  I was able to sling 6 fully armed characters back through time to the beginning of the game, rather than have them die to the Gold Smoke Knight, who they were not equipped for.  I’m a few games in and without having to make gear I’ve already got most of the innovations and I’m getting ready to start work on end game gear.

I also went to my friends house for a weekend of Gloomhaven.  I retired my character.  I had the 2 box guy who was interesting, but his unique mechanics meant some scenarios were basically impossible.  I now have the Eclipse and we’re staring down the barrel of the last few missions.  This means I’ve unlocked a new mini to paint, and I have the expansion mini to get ready for when we start that.

Gloomhaven minis, primed and ready for paintGloomhaven minis, primed and ready for paint

The following week I got some actual painting done.  I’ve a Loka Fire set I got free a while back, and they’ve been sat primed on my desk, ready to be painted in case they’re ever useful for D&D or something.  I’ve got the 5 unique minis painted now, and left the repetitive orc pawns for later.

Loka Fire King...thing?  Pretty sure he's not sculpted on a throne, but I really cannot work out what's supposed to be going on here.Loka Fire King...thing? Pretty sure he's not sculpted on a throne, but I really cannot work out what's supposed to be going on here.
Fire Elemental from Loka Fire setFire Elemental from Loka Fire set
A fire horse  from Loka Fire set, painted up as a winged Nightmare for D&DA fire horse from Loka Fire set, painted up as a winged Nightmare for D&D
Maralith from Loka Fire setMaralith from Loka Fire set
Wizard from Loka Fire setWizard from Loka Fire set

With them done, I had half a day spare so I built up the Hide and Lion armour kits for KDM, and got all the new naked minis primed and ready for later.

I’ve been using Gorilla Glue for a while now and liking it.  I am getting fed up with how it clogs after it’s had it’s seal cracked for a while.  Constantly jamming paper clips down it to clear it between models gets frustrating.  Can anyone make any suggestions of how to prevent or deal with this better?  Or perhaps a superglue that has less issues that I can readily get in the UK?  I don’t want plastic cement.  I work with a variety of materials and want one glue to rule them all, and in my studio, bind them.

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Cult of Games Member

Great stuff again, love the flame effects. I use Loctite Brush On as I prefer the in-bulit brush applicator as I get more glue where I want and less on my fingers. It appreciates accelerator but like most superglue will stick most stuff to most other stuff. It is also thick enough not to run too far either. Even this stuff doesn’t last more than a month or so, less if you are careless and stick a dirty brush back into the pot, and I make a point of having a few in stock at all times.

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