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Fwee Dorfs - KOW

Fwee Dorfs - KOW

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All change - Rocks for Everyone!

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 11
1 Comment

So, the campaign organiser resent the the rules he’s created via a google doc so I got to remind myself what was going on, and found we get vp’s for taking elemental units… so time to revist the army list.

I have settled on

2 Earth Elemental regiments

1 Regiment of Rangers (with Hammer of measured force)

2 units of doggos (with throwing dogs)

1 Packmaster with berries and Boomstick

Now I had started work on the list below so some units have paint on – but I am very behind, but its a start.

My Earth Elementals have come along quite quickly…

So when looking for options I’m not a huge fan of Mantics ones, I had a stone golem thing from Fantasy Flights now dead game, but it needs a 50×50 base so are too big unless i run hordes of them, so spent a long time researching options… and that’s where it happened. Etsy brought up someone selling Pet Rocks for £4 and I loved the idea – no painting, no mould lines, what could go wrong!

So I made my own! My area of York isn’t particularly stoney, and neither me or anyone nearby have the “right” sort of gravel, but I got lucky. Our local B&Q had a few split bags of garden stones for £3 and one of them just happened to be the 30-50mm stuff, so that got snaffled.

We had some stone cleaner and sealer in the house already from a DIY project that didnt work so I washed a selection and sealed them, stuck them on some bases, added the eyes and job done! I intend to base them in due course but the “models” are finished.

All change - Rocks for Everyone!

So the first “round” is tonight so below is the 750 pts raring to go. Wish me luck!

"Ready to Rock" Acolyte "Olaf the Lofty" and his faithful bird Graculus (YES I KNOW he's meant to be green) line up with their followers

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