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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood of Venice

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood of Venice

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Preparing for mission 3

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 5
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The next stage of the Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood of Venice project is preparing the miniatures for mission 3. The game is adding a new type of enemy model called an agile who can scale buildings without ladders, similar to the assassin models.

Also as one of the conditions for game failure is being unable to place reinforcements when asked to by the game, I wanted to get all of the available crossbowmen painted.

These models added to the chests I need for objective markers gives me 34 models which I’m painting in one massive batch paint.

The remaining crossbowmen

This collection of 20 models were painted in exactly the same way as those covered earlier in the project so I won’t go into too much detail here.

Although they have a different pose from those already covered he models are essentially identical.

The last of the crossbowmen giving me 30 in total to play with.The last of the crossbowmen giving me 30 in total to play with.


As with the crossbowmen I referenced images from the computer game to get the paint scheme as close as possible to the game.

The first step as always is a zenithal prime consisting of Vallejo primers black and then grey, applied with an airbrush.

All colours used were either Army Painter Speed Paint (APSP) or Vallejo Model Color (VMC), as noted.

Trousers, helmet plume – APSP Highlord Blue.

Jerkin, boots, bracers – APSP Hardened Leather.

Skin – APSP Crusader skin then a highlight on cheekbones and nose with VMC Basic Skintone.

Helmet, shoulder pads, dagger blade – Initially painted with VMC Dark Grey then VMC Oily Steel over the top.

Buckles and studs on the jerkins were picked out with VMC Oily Steel.

Cord Belt – APSP Zealot Yellow.

Dagger hilt and armour details on the helm and shoulders were painted with VMC Old Gold.

Bases were finished in the same way as the other models. First VMC Neatral Grey then Citadel Colour Nuln Oil wash over the top. Bases were then edged in VMC Black.

Ten agiles completedTen agiles completed

Chest tokens

These were incredibly simple and I think effective in their final look.

Step 1 was a zenithal prime in black then grey, trying to establish a fade to black effect on the chest sides from top to bottom.

Then all wooden areas were painted with APSP Hardened Leather.

Finally all metalwork was painted with VMC Dark Grey then VMC Oily Steel.

I used no washes or other finishes making them a very quick paint.

All models received a generous coat of cheap satin spray varnish as they are board game pieces and will get some wear.

Four chests - for use as objective markersFour chests - for use as objective markers

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