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Hunting in the Darkness - KD:M

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1 Mar 22: White Speaker Nico Christmas edition

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 7
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Yeah… March is a bit after Christmas. But I was painting the Intimacy Survivors and planning on doing the Lonely Tree. This mini was sitting there… waiting.

The mini represents a reoccurring character in KD. A member of the White Speaker cult named Nico. Presented here with a bag of gifts for the Survivors.

I used the same colours that I was using on the Intimacy couple at the time, as I had them on the palette.

14 July 22: Christmas in July

Ready to hand out presents for all the insane girls and boys.Ready to hand out presents for all the insane girls and boys.

The colour selection was mainly drawn from the art. The only thing I changed is the component that looks like a branch, which has three candles on it. I did it in blue to suggest that maybe it was taken from a particular tree…

She has an axe in that bag and her knife stuck in the stone face by her left hand... just sayin'She has an axe in that bag and her knife stuck in the stone face by her left hand... just sayin'

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