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The Big Stocktake

The Big Stocktake

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The Beginning of the End

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 14
The Beginning of the End

Where to start…

So it turns out I have my fingers in oh so many pies these days and I am fast running out of room in the games room.  I can blame the development of home 3D printers and all the excellent new games coming out for that.

So Whilst travelling the 600 odd Kilometres home from work last week I thought it was about time I sat down and went through what I had and see if;

A) I really wanted to keep

B) How close I am to getting each started project to a point which I would call finished.

Obviously as gamers we all know that it is very hard to ever consider an army finished.  For me I shall aim to get painted all that I have for at least two sides, plus at least a tables worth of terrain along with any markers, counters etc required to play.  Any surplus I shall get rid of.

Any of my current collections, regardless of how ‘finished’ they are that I cant see myself ever using again I will aim to pass on to others.

I also plan to do the same with my terrain and rule book collection.


I am pretty sure that is all the figure collections, unless there is something hiding in a box somewhere.

As I progress with this project I will select something from this list, check to see if its all painted, paint what I need to get it up to a usable state, photograph it and knock out a few bits of terrain.

Sounds simple, but I think its going to be a massive undertaking.


Anyway, without further procrastination, here is a list of what I currently have.


Figure Collection

A Song of Ice and Fire

  • Lannister
  • Stark
  • Targaryen

All Quiet on the Martian Front

  • Martian
  • USA

Battletech  (408 models.  100% Complete) Waiting on more models

Mechs and Vehicles  (408 Figures.  100% Painted) Waiting on more models.

Black Powder

Epic American Civil War

  • Confederate
  • Union

Epic Waterloo

  • British
  • French
  • Prussian

Blood and Plunder  (93 Figures and 7 Ships total) DONE

  • British  (17 figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Dutch  (25 figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • French  (25 figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Natives (none until the Kickstarter delivers)
  • Pirate  (25 figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Ships  (7 models.  100% complete)  DONE

Blood Bowl  (114 Figures so far)

  • Amazon
  • Black Orc
  • Chaos  (20 Figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Dark Elves (20 Figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Dwarves
  • Elf
  • Halflings
  • Humans  (23 Figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Khorne
  • Norse
  • Nurgle
  • Lizardmen
  • Ogre
  • Orcs  (27 Figures. 100% complete)  DONE
  • Skaven
  • Snotling
  • Undead  (24 Figures. 100% complete)  DONE

Bolt Action

  • German Army
  • German Fallschirmjager
  • US Airbourne

Bushido  (14 figures)  DONE

  • Prefecture of Ryu  (14 figures.  100% complete)  DONE

Conflict 47

  • USA

Crimson Skies (38 Figures Total)  DONE

  • British (8 figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Germany (9 figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Japanese (8 figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Russian (7 figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • United States (6 figures 100% complete)  DONE


  • Brood
  • Core
  • Dragyri Ice Caste
  • Forsaken

Darkest Africa

  • African Kingdoms
  • Forest Tribes
  • Maasai
  • White Men Expeditions


  • Blutkreuse
  • Mercenary


  • Askaris
  • Bamakas
  • Hord
  • ISC
  • Jokers
  • Matriarchy
  • Resistance

Empire of the Dead

  • Constabulary
  • Gentlemens Club
  • Heroes and Characters
  • Holy Order
  • Nosferatu

Fallout Wasteland Warfare

  • Brotherhood of Steel
  • Creatures
  • Minutemen
  • Robots
  • Supermutants
  • Survivors

Gangs of Rome

  • Fighters
  • Mob


  • Cars


  • Animals
  • Gladiators
  • Noxi

Great War  (359 Figures)  DONE

  • British   (198 figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • German   (163 figures.  100% complete)  DONE

Grunts 15mm Science Fiction  (200 Infantry and 35 Vehicles/Artillery)  DONE

  • Federal Army  DONE
  • Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters  DONE
  • Sepulvedan Control Forces  DONE

(200 Infantry and 35 Vehicle/Artillery all up.  100% complete)

Hail Caesar  (687 Figures total so far)

  • Ancient India 15mm
  • Macedonian 15mm  (687 figures.  100% complete) DONE


  • Nomads
  • Pan Oceania

Judge Dredd 41% Complete.  On hold pending decision to keep or sell.

  • Assorted Figures (336 Figures.  41% Complete)
  • Plastic Civilians (250+ figures.  100% Complete)  DONE


  • Republic of China
  • USA
  • USSR

Marvel Crisis Protocol

  • A-Force
  • Asgard
  • Avengers
  • Black Order
  • Brotherhood of Mutants
  • Cabal
  • Convocation
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Inhumans
  • Midnight Sons
  • Spider-Foes
  • Unaffiliated
  • Uncanny X-Men
  • Wakanda
  • Web Warriors
  • X-Force

Maximillian 1934  (31 Figures total)    DONE

  • Motorcars (12 Figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Motorcycles and Trikes (5 Figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Drivers and Wildlife  (14 figures.  100% complete)  DONE

Oak and Iron

  • British
  • Dutch
  • French
  • Pirate

Saga  (92 figures total, 100% Complete)  DONE

  • Danish (25 figures, 100% complete)  DONE
  • Milite Christi (25 figures, 100% complete)  DONE
  • Mutatawwi’a (17 figures, 100% complete)  DONE
  • Viking (25 figures, 100% complete)  DONE

Slaughterloo  (825 Figures.  100% complete so far)

  • Ferach  (520 Figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Ostaria  (305 Figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Star Wraith

Starwars Legion  (106 Figures.  100% complete)   DONE & SOLD 

  • Imperial (54 Figures.  100% complete)  DONE
  • Rebel Alliance (52 Figures.  100% complete)  DONE

The Walking Dead  182 Figured Done so far (To be continued)

  • Survivors  (74 Figures so far)
  • Walkers  (108 Figuures so far)

This Quar’s War  (96 figures total)  DONE

  • Coftyrans  (12 Figures.  100% Painted)  DONE
  • Crusaders  (74 Figures.  100% Painted)  DONE
  • Partisans  (10 Figures.  100% Painted)  DONE

Victorian Science Fiction

  • British
  • Civillians
  • Martian
  • Mechaloid
  • Morlocks
  • Termigons
  • Prussian

War of the Roses

  • Lancastrian
  • Yorkist

Wargods of Aegyptus

  • Asar
  • Basti
  • Heru
  • Nekharu
  • Sebeki
  • Tethru
  • Typhon

Warhammer 40K

  • Death Guard
  • Genestealer Cults  (172 models.  100% Painted)  DONE

Warhammer Fantasy

  • Beastmen
  • Bretonians
  • Skaven
  • Tomb Kings


  • Kargir
  • Reptus

Wild West  (30 Figures total)  DONE

  • Cowboys (12 Figures.  100% Painted)  DONE
  • Plains Indians  (18 Figures.  100% Painted)  DONE

Wraith of Kings

  • Goritsi
  • Hadross
  • Nasier
  • Shael Han
  • Teknes


Total Painted Figures to date 3880

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hutchandre77Sheridan Recent comment authors
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Wow. This is quite the collection! Lovely stuff.

Cult of Games Member

Either you are a completetionist or may want to keep just 2 factions for each game. But this may depend on the game. I am lucky to have one gamimng room and a roof top, which i will fill to my demise.

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