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The Horus Hersey - The Primarchs

The Horus Hersey - The Primarchs

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Angron Daemon Primarch

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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Just when you thought you were out they drag you back in….


this guy is clearly going to come in around the £150 mark.

My word.

It’s glorious however. The only thing I think GW do badly when it comes to this sort of model is the face. Felt the same about Bel’akor and the huge Bloodthirster that is coming from Forgeworld for the HH.

I will be getting Angron when he drops – it might encourage me to finish this project and actually buy the Khan and Corax as well!

Not a lot to say on this fella from a tutoring point of view.

I largely followed the Warhipster’s painting tutorial on YouTube and the Warhammer TV one.

I based him with Mephiston Red spray (as I had bought one to paint some Blood Angel Marines from the Indomitus box set).

The only other main differences to my approach were the armour and the sword.

The armour is rune lord brass, agrax earthshade, then berserker blood shade with a 50/50 mix with water. Dry brushed with Iron Breaker.


The sword however I kinda went rogue and did my own thing.

Painted it with Iron Warriors, and then I kinda washed it with Black Templar (50/50 mix with water). I did this about 4 times, I really wanted the sword to look like a flat black old metal. I then gave it a light dry brush with Iron warriors.

The handle I only gave a light going over with Black Templar.

The flame effect in the middle – is kind of a hodge podge of the Warhammer TV approach, and then again a little bit more.

Painted the skull bit in the middle of the blade with Corax White. Painted this over with a very wet Dorn Yellow, then Fire Dragon Bright around the edge, then finally Evil Sunz Scarlet.

This has worked on the side facing out but I think the Evil Sunz Scarlet was a bit to watery on the inside edge as its settled in the recesses rather than just the edge. May give this another go.

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