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Age of Fantasy Other-World Army using Fantasy Flights Runewars Uthuk

Age of Fantasy Other-World Army using Fantasy Flights Runewars Uthuk

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Project Entry by core8ball Cult of Games Member

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Cleaning the bits before assembly

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The mins for Runewars are pretty good, not the greatest or the worst, but I can see why it trouble selling in the beginning. The initial price point was quite high, but since they’ve gone on sale/discount they are great for making a decent sized force for rather cheap.

That said I had to wash the minis in hot water and soap after un-bagging them, some residue from the factory or just having been stored for so long.

Mold lines aren’t too bad but I’m not going for golden daemon here just a good sized force at Tabletop quality I can knock out relativity quick. Some gorilla glue to keep them together and the first units start to take shape.

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