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Blackstone Fortress

Blackstone Fortress

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I built all my minis. All of the core set and all of the Cultist expansion models. I started with a test mini primed black and zenith of Halfords Red. Given the amount of metal used I didn't really get to take full advantage of the zenith, but the red cloth came out nice. The flesh was a mix of Darkoath Flesh Contrast Paint and Bugman's Glow which gave a skin tone I quite like.I built all my minis. All of the core set and all of the Cultist expansion models. I started with a test mini primed black and zenith of Halfords Red. Given the amount of metal used I didn't really get to take full advantage of the zenith, but the red cloth came out nice. The flesh was a mix of Darkoath Flesh Contrast Paint and Bugman's Glow which gave a skin tone I quite like.

The expansions aren’t on sale by GW anymore and the eBay market is taking full advantage on price. My Cultist minis were the “minis only” release because it was a ton cheaper and I had originally planned to just use them in Stargrave. I still intend to use them in Stargrave, but I managed to get access to a stats card for these minis to introduce them into my Blackstone games at some point.

I got all sensible for a change and considered storage before I dived into painting 50 models. I got a Lidl toolbox I used in the past for Bolt Action armies and am happy it will do the job well enough.

Starting point

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