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War in the holds - The sins of my youth

War in the holds - The sins of my youth

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Where does the time go?

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Two years ago I started a project to build up a Goblin army using a bunch of old minis and whatever else I could find – This has been completed for a while, but over the joys of the pandemic I just forgot to post. So here’s an update.


First up, into the paint remover with my terrible paint job.First up, into the paint remover with my terrible paint job.
That's better.That's better.
Next up I batch made the bases. Cork on MDF to begin with.Next up I batch made the bases. Cork on MDF to begin with.
Painted brown, drybrushed to a lighter brown.Painted brown, drybrushed to a lighter brown.
Then add mud and some folage. the idea is swamps for this.Then add mud and some folage. the idea is swamps for this.

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Cult of Games Member

Time goes that way *points in direction* and you can even hear it swoooosh by… XD

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