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2mm Strength & Honour

2mm Strength & Honour

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Basing Romans

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9

Bases are 120mm x 60 for all units except Roman Legions who are 80mm deep due to their Triple Axis formation.

The label materials arrived.  Metal strip 12mm wide, 5m long with matching magnetic strip.  Both with self adhesive sides.  They were found on Amazon.  This double pack was cheaper than the magnetic strip on its own.

Basing Romans

The metal strip was cut into 100mm lengths.  I needed tin snips for this.  Each base gets a strip stuck onto it, then the remainder of the surface is covered in PVA and dipped in sand.  Once this is dry then a Woodland Scenics bended turf mix is applied, the recipe used is here.

Painted cohorts are cut away from the supports and then stuck onto the flocked base with PVA.  The bases are stacked on top of each other so the weight helps hold the models in place while the glue dries.

Labels were designed and printed in Word and stuck onto the magnetic strip.

Basing Romans

The stark white labels are a bit intrusive.  A quick Raw Umber ink wash and they will tone down nicely.

Basing Romans

That’s better.  The green Auxilliary unit had a gold drybrush to indicate bronze helmets rather than the iron the blue unit have.  Even close up they look pretty good, not that my eyes are good enough to see them this size!

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zorgtorroszoidpinheadJill Gorram Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

They look great. Really must get mine started

Cult of Games Member

Looking excellent. In game terms how big of an army is this? Enough for a game?

Cult of Games Member

Brilliant work @zoidpinhead an the next mission do it again at 28mm ?

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