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German East Africa

German East Africa

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Battle Report Part 2

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I did not take as many photos as I should have but the opening moves of both sides were units trying to stay out of line of sight and trying to move into cover. The jungle areas provide light cover to units in the terrain but blocks line of sight for units on the opposite side. The termite mounds are the same except they provide hard cover. The trenches on the right flank provided hard cover to units in them but did not block line of sight. They are effectively below ground level.

Constant pounding by two French squads and an HMG has caused the naval squad to rout leaving a lone Askari in place. He sheds all his fatigue and is still in the fight! Constant pounding by two French squads and an HMG has caused the naval squad to rout leaving a lone Askari in place. He sheds all his fatigue and is still in the fight!
In the trenches! An Askari squad runs hell bent for leather into the trenches against a diminished inexperienced French squad directly in front of them and the French close assault squad directly behind them. In the trenches! An Askari squad runs hell bent for leather into the trenches against a diminished inexperienced French squad directly in front of them and the French close assault squad directly behind them.
The lone Schutztruppe squad, later joined by the sniper who had to re-deploy, pour fire into the trench and between them and the sniper, rout the inexperienced French squad. The lone Schutztruppe squad, later joined by the sniper who had to re-deploy, pour fire into the trench and between them and the sniper, rout the inexperienced French squad.
The French close assault squad shoots and grenades the Askari squad out of existence leaving them in control of the objective closest to their lines. The French close assault squad shoots and grenades the Askari squad out of existence leaving them in control of the objective closest to their lines.
Central objective is in control of the French as the Askari squad has been forced back out to the far side of the termite mound and reduced to a single Askari. Central objective is in control of the French as the Askari squad has been forced back out to the far side of the termite mound and reduced to a single Askari.

After five turns we called it as the Germans didn’t have enough units to realistically grab another objective.

Highlights included the French rifle grenade and sniper never scoring a hit and the surprising resolve of the Askari squads.

The German sniper did slightly better in that he actually scored a few hits but nothing spectacular.

While this was a German loss I’m generally pleased with how this build worked. Might drop the sniper and replace the naval squad and use those points for another squad. Not sure if it should be a Schutztruppe squad, another Askari squad or maybe a specialist Assault Squad.

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