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Sisters of Battle Backlog Motivation

Sisters of Battle Backlog Motivation

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Week of 13-06-2022

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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It has been a crazy week and I did not achieve as much as I’d have liked to. I did take a sudden turn and started working on some rhinos. One was the newest kit and the other was an old space marine rhino I’ve had since about 2006 or so. It didn’t take too much to adepta sororitas it up!

One new ‘innovation’ I found that worked for me was in shading. I’ve been using a purple shade for my blue cloth and it often darkens more than I’d like. I’ve tried more water and other things, but what I really wanted was it to run more smoothly into recessed areas and follow towards ground.

I believe I saw it on Sonic Sledgehammer where he recommended mixing your shade with contrast medium. I tried it and loved the result!

This is Catra, my second paragon warsuit. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.This is Catra, my second paragon warsuit. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.
Rear image. I think my basing skills are improving.Rear image. I think my basing skills are improving.
My unexpectedly assembled, primed, and base coated rhinos. I'm working on the older one first as a prototype for the newer.My unexpectedly assembled, primed, and base coated rhinos. I'm working on the older one first as a prototype for the newer.
I'm very pleased with the symbol. My stencil game is weak and I had some over spray and such but I'm getting better. Next time I'll lay down some masking tape further out.I'm very pleased with the symbol. My stencil game is weak and I had some over spray and such but I'm getting better. Next time I'll lay down some masking tape further out.

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