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2022 Miniature Log

2022 Miniature Log

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Better late than never....

Tutoring 8
Skill 11
Idea 9

So it’s not that I haven’t been doing hobby stuff since January. I just haven’t been posting it in the project blog. I’ve painted heaps. Rather than post it all, here’s the May stuff which was all A Song of Ice and Fire. It’s a great game and highly under-rated. The only thing is that at the present min-maxing is a massive thing in the tournament scene which is why my friends and I only play friendly’s in a campaign.

To make campaign play more thematic we made non-faction choices cost +1 point (for example, neutrals in Stark lists) and lists led by minor faction leaders get a -1pt discount on their factions choice (eg Branden Tully would get Tully Sworn Shields for 5pts and Tully Cavaliers for 7pts).

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Cult of Games Member

2022-06-14 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

Fantastic work on your project figures @horus500 congratulations on getting the gold button.

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