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"Iron Within, Iron Without!"

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The Infantry Finished

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
From an undercoatFrom an undercoat
To Finished. I only used 6 Colours. Plate Mail Metal, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Retributor Gold, Daemonic Yellow and Abaddon Black with a Dark Tone Wash.To Finished. I only used 6 Colours. Plate Mail Metal, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Retributor Gold, Daemonic Yellow and Abaddon Black with a Dark Tone Wash.
Most of the force pre basing.Most of the force pre basing.
All my Iron Warriors painted and ready to game with.All my Iron Warriors painted and ready to game with.
These pics were taken maybe 1 second apart, not sure which is better so I'll use both.These pics were taken maybe 1 second apart, not sure which is better so I'll use both.
The base is originally painted with Moot Green then stippled with a 75/25 White to Moot Green. This helps add little light spots that makes it look more like a dynamic base instead of a green one.The base is originally painted with Moot Green then stippled with a 75/25 White to Moot Green. This helps add little light spots that makes it look more like a dynamic base instead of a green one.
Perturabo's Base. You can see the technique clearer here. I'm not claiming it's perfect, I think I might end up dry brushing the black cracked earth to make it a little brighter but it works for now.Perturabo's Base. You can see the technique clearer here. I'm not claiming it's perfect, I think I might end up dry brushing the black cracked earth to make it a little brighter but it works for now.
A light coat gives you a light, cracked finish suitable for a basic desert but I'm going for more of a weird volcanic/cracked earth recently hit with chemical/nuclear weapons so a thicker coat makes that effect. I thought I would need a new pot after only finding about a quarter of a pot left but it was easily enough to do this whole force, that stuff goes a lot further than you think.A light coat gives you a light, cracked finish suitable for a basic desert but I'm going for more of a weird volcanic/cracked earth recently hit with chemical/nuclear weapons so a thicker coat makes that effect. I thought I would need a new pot after only finding about a quarter of a pot left but it was easily enough to do this whole force, that stuff goes a lot further than you think.
You can see it start to crack. The smaller parts crack first while the bigger parts congeal then crack.You can see it start to crack. The smaller parts crack first while the bigger parts congeal then crack.
Close up of the finished thing, rim of base was painted with Abaddon Black.Close up of the finished thing, rim of base was painted with Abaddon Black.
The 40 Tactical Marines being based.The 40 Tactical Marines being based.
The finished force. Old Points this would be about 2500 but I have no idea what the new points will be. I've still got to paint up the 150 Penal legion Allies so I should comfortably be at that same 2500 Point mark again.The finished force. Old Points this would be about 2500 but I have no idea what the new points will be. I've still got to paint up the 150 Penal legion Allies so I should comfortably be at that same 2500 Point mark again.

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Elessar2590milmaa Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Top stuff, I’m hoping the new HH set can get me painting again…
You seem to have gotten this force build and done so quickly as well! Very impressive all round!

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