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Infinity: Defiance & Beyond

Infinity: Defiance & Beyond

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8. Cadin "First Strike"

Tutoring 5
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Up to now I have focused all my efforts on the bad guys, the Shasvastii. But Defiance is a Dungeon Crawler and it’s a co-op game at that so the story is all about the heroes, of which there are many.  And as I have painted a significant number of the Shasvastii, I decided now was a good time to paint one of the heroes.  I could have gone for any of the heroes, they’re all amazing.  However I am trying to convince my gaming group to let me run an Infinity RPG game later this year but nobody really knows anything about it.  However, knowing at least one of the group as I did, I thought if anything was going to sell the setting to him, the idea of a Space Werewolf would, especially as Dog Faces (as they are affectionately known) and Wulvers (which is what Cadin is) are a playable races in the game.  So Cadin it was.  This was also nice for me because I haven’t ever painted any Ariadna miniatures and this one is, in my opinion at least, a very nice model indeed.

I love the psuedo military look, sort of half combat fatigues half biker gang (yes, he has a gang motif on his jacket).  The pose is also nice, leaping over a piece of some destroyed TAG with that machete or whatever the hell it is raised high.  He looks like he is ambushing some poor, unfortunate and unsuspecting enemy, although it certainly doesn’t look like it’s going to be quiet end.  And honestly, I suspect that’s exactly how Cadin likes it.

8. Cadin

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