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STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

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My Soviets so far.

Tutoring 22
Skill 22
Idea 22
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My Soviets so far.

Sorry for the poor quality image, but you get the gist of how much I managed to get done as a result of last years ‘Spring Clean Challenge’.

I am now able not just to field a single reinforced platoon, but a company sized force.

Without taking up Ontabletop’s  ‘Spring Clean Challenge’, I would not be in this position. I would recommend it to others, as it really helped me focus, and get stuff done.

The platoons in this picture are:

A motorised SMG squad platoon of two 12 man SMG squads, with an 8 man Siberian Veteran SMG squad, with support weapons and truck transports.

A Naval Infantry Platoon with 3 squads and light support weapons.

An armoured platoon of 2 T34’s and a KV1.

A Strafbat Platoon of 2 and a bit squads.

A Guards Squad of 2 understrength LMG squads with support weapons.

As part part of this years ‘Spring Clean Challenge’, I plan to add new units to all of the platoons that I have developed so far.

I plan to turn this mixed tank platoon into two separate platoons, the first of 3 T34's, and the second of KV1's.I plan to turn this mixed tank platoon into two separate platoons, the first of 3 T34's, and the second of KV1's.
This Naval Infantry Platoon has real character, and stands out clearly on the battle field. In terms of the new hobby challenge, I would love to get all three infantry squads up to a full strength of 12 men, and add some more weapons teams and a medic, to finish it off.This Naval Infantry Platoon has real character, and stands out clearly on the battle field. In terms of the new hobby challenge, I would love to get all three infantry squads up to a full strength of 12 men, and add some more weapons teams and a medic, to finish it off.
Featured in this image are my Strafbat platoon (above the trucks), and the SMG platoon below and including the trucks. I wish to add a a specially converted weapons team (more on that later), an NKVD squad and complete a 3rd strafbat squad to finish this unit off. For the SMG platoon, I wish to add a 3rd SMG squad at full strength of 12 to finish the platoon off, and build the 8man Siberian Veteran squad into a dedicated Siberian Veteran platoon.Featured in this image are my Strafbat platoon (above the trucks), and the SMG platoon below and including the trucks. I wish to add a a specially converted weapons team (more on that later), an NKVD squad and complete a 3rd strafbat squad to finish this unit off. For the SMG platoon, I wish to add a 3rd SMG squad at full strength of 12 to finish the platoon off, and build the 8man Siberian Veteran squad into a dedicated Siberian Veteran platoon.


If you feel inspired to field your own Soviet army for Bolt Action, I have the following affiliate links that I would appreciate if you could use:

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