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BATTLE of the BULGE.....Mega Project!

BATTLE of the BULGE.....Mega Project!

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Kit-Bashed Plastic SS Grenadier Squad.

Tutoring 14
Skill 14
Idea 14
Kit-Bashed Plastic SS Grenadier Squad.

I started this project in the Autumn, but fell ill with Covid and let it go fallow for a bit, but now it’s great to pick it up again and finally start getting units done.

The German’s fielded different units from often various sources in this offensive. I intend to build the Bulk of mine from The S.S, the regular Wehrmacht and Volksgrenadiers.

For this squad I have used the bodies from Warlord Games’s fantastic-plastic  ‘German Infantry (Winter)’ with heads and some weapons taken from W.G’s Plastic Waffen S.S. boxed set.  It has been great fun and relatively quick. I have added weapons notably panzerfausts to give them a bit more anti tank from the SS set, this not only makes them more of a threat in game, but also looks cool. The S.S. heads also identify them on the tabletop, as they are quite different to the Wehrmacht ones in the box.

If anyone is interested in re-creating the miniature above, please use my following affiliate links:

Germans Infantry (Winter)

Waffen SS

4Ground sadly are having a closing down sale, so if you would like to get any of their scenery that I have featured of not, it is an excellent time to buy as their is a sale on. In addition I have a further discount code: TTMINI5

Scenery by 4ground:



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