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Demonsub goes all in with Sláine

Demonsub goes all in with Sláine

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Balor of the Evil Eye

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

I saved the largest miniature unit last, the only one to be mounted.

Balor of the Evil Eye

While painting I leaned closer and closer to Simon Bisley’s iconic full page image, particularly the redness of the blood soaked armour and the heads on the trophy rack. My go to gore formula is a 1:1 mix of Army Painter Flesh tone with Army Painter Red Ink. Left to dry for a little until the ink has thickened up a little makes it look all the more disgusting.

Balor of the Evil Eye

It also took me two attempts at the blood splatter on the sword. I went a little too much on the first attempt and my efforts to fix it made it worse, so I just painted over and started again.

So with this miniature painted that’s all of the Sláine miniatures completed, for now.
Later this week I plan on taking a few photos of the whole collection, then this weekend I’ll hopefully have a battle report.
I’ve had great fun with this project and will certainly continue on. It’s been good to concentrate solely on just one game.

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Cult of Games Member

Balor looks ace – I like the blood spatter so it was worth the repaint. Congrats on getting them all done, you finished first. Lopoking forward to the bat rep. I’m nearly done and hope to get them on the table before the Spring Clean Challenge is over.

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