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Zona Alfa - A Club Donation

Zona Alfa - A Club Donation

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Finally Finished!

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

Hi everyone,

The project is now finished.  I spent the day working on the storage box and it is now ready as well.

So what do I think of Speed paints in general?  I think they are great for specific jobs that require speed.  I don’t like painting this way, nor will I convert to Speed Paints or Contrast.  They are just not my thing.  I do not enjoy the process as much I do with  my more conventional painting techniques and paints.

Having said that, if I ever decide to paint up the miniatures of one of my board games, like Blood Rage, I will definitely use these paints. So basically for any set of miniatures that are not handled exclusively by me.

All the hostiles painted up, and all the minis I will ever need for this game!All the hostiles painted up, and all the minis I will ever need for this game!

The storage box is a Star Wars Legion starter set box. It comes from an order I made from Ebay Germany.  It was for two boxes of Battletech miniatures and the seller sent them in this box.  I kept it at the time thinking I it might come in useful one day.  And so it did!

I fitted the miniatures inside the box and cut out compartments  from cardboard for the figures.  Since the box is quite deep, I made part of it into a two tier system.  Overall it is a cheap yet sturdy solution for a club project.

The first layer.  The foam is just added protection.The first layer. The foam is just added protection.
The whole thing put together.The whole thing put together.

There you have it. A game system ready to be taught, demoed and played at our club.  I will leave this project open for now because I will use it to display my Zona Alfa team when I get around to painting them.

I hope you enjoyed this little journey with me and I hope this makes you think of playing the game or giving it a go.

Until next time, may your lasergun batteries never run out.


(P.S. Oh no, I have to go back and paint up more 10mm Elf cavalry. Aaaargh!)

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Cult of Games Member

Congratulations @nightrunner your figures are fabulous looking for gaming with.

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