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Primary Color Escapism - Head First Into Marvel Crisis Protocol

Primary Color Escapism - Head First Into Marvel Crisis Protocol

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Cabal - Sin and Viper

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Sin and Viper are next and I encourage you to paint them together as they have similar styles that will allow you to harmoniously complete them as a group.

As usual, start by blocking all the colors on the miniaturesAs usual, start by blocking all the colors on the miniatures
 Sin and Venom embrace respectively a red and green scheme that makes it quite simple to play with various shades of a color to crate a well contrasted miniature. Sin and Venom embrace respectively a red and green scheme that makes it quite simple to play with various shades of a color to crate a well contrasted miniature.
Skin tones are next and I realized that one are of improvement for this year will be to learn how to better paint female faces and makeup.  Viper lipstick is a little 'contrasty' but i still like it.Skin tones are next and I realized that one are of improvement for this year will be to learn how to better paint female faces and makeup. Viper lipstick is a little 'contrasty' but i still like it.
Cabal - Sin and Viper
SIn's black leather clothes were highlighted using medium and light grey, then glazed with a red color to unify them with the rest of the outfit. Straps and knives sheaths were likely painted. The skull on her chest was painted black, then lightly painted with a dark gold to make it stand out. Finally, all metallic parts were painted black then brushed with GW Leadbelcher with accents of chrome for the knife blade.SIn's black leather clothes were highlighted using medium and light grey, then glazed with a red color to unify them with the rest of the outfit. Straps and knives sheaths were likely painted. The skull on her chest was painted black, then lightly painted with a dark gold to make it stand out. Finally, all metallic parts were painted black then brushed with GW Leadbelcher with accents of chrome for the knife blade.
Cabal - Sin and Viper
For Viper's base, I decided to paint the panel in a different pattern to create some diversity and yellow/black offered a good contrast with the suit.For Viper's base, I decided to paint the panel in a different pattern to create some diversity and yellow/black offered a good contrast with the suit.
For her hair, I highlighted in medium gray and washed in green to unify with the suit.For her hair, I highlighted in medium gray and washed in green to unify with the suit.
Viper's suit was highlighted with adding some yellow (from the base) to the lighter green and then using each lighter green to highlight the next darker one. That offered a quick and easy way to proceed with the whole suit. I painted the katana handle red to offer some interesting contrast with the rest of the model.Viper's suit was highlighted with adding some yellow (from the base) to the lighter green and then using each lighter green to highlight the next darker one. That offered a quick and easy way to proceed with the whole suit. I painted the katana handle red to offer some interesting contrast with the rest of the model.
Metallic parts were painted as per Sin's model.Metallic parts were painted as per Sin's model.

Next, The Hood …

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