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Sláine: Kiss My Paintbrush!

Sláine: Kiss My Paintbrush!

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Sessair Earth Tribe Warriors, and how to do tattoos

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

I got the Sessair done, including the Red Branch warriors with their funky weapons.

The main feature colours are Zealot Yellow and Absolution Green.  Kilts have had the pattern picked out in Vallejo Flat Blue.

Tattoos are great fun.  I did them the first time in my Celt-Iberian project and I use thinned down Vallejo Prussian Blue for the woad like colour.  You need a good brush with quality bristles to make things easier.  I find this proto-Celtic “Tribal” style pattern quite easy.  The basic principle is to work from the middle towards the edges of a design, from thickest part to the thinnest.  I pick a large skin area, then start from the middle of the pattern and press down slightly to get the wider part and then lift the pressue whilst moving outward in the curve of the pattern, lifting until only the very tip is is contact and exagerating the curve back towards itself to finish.  Then back to the wider section in the middle and off again curving in another direction.  I try to follow the raised contours of the musculature as this makes the pattern easier to see.
The raised parts of the pattern are highlighted with a 60% add mixture of white, keeping the paint quite thin using ink or an Air type paint.  This can be used to cover any unevenness in the width of stroke from the first application.

Give tattoos a try, you’ll be amazed at how easy they are 🙂

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Cult of Games Member

Nice work mate

Cult of Games Member

Nice work and nice tattoos. I wasn’t brave enough myself.

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