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Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!

Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!

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Building a Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle for Star Wars Legion - Part 5

Tutoring 16
Skill 18
Idea 18
This week a big step has been made, because apart from a few details like flat panels on the stabiliser fins and various small technical details as well as a landing gear, the construction of the shuttle is finished. The most important thing is that all the delicate elements work and are stable. The three stabiliser fins can also be removed, which makes painting and transporting the model much easier later. In landing mode the model is quite large, in flight mode huge! It also already has a fair amount of weight, so in addition to the landing gear, two discreet additional supports will probably be needed to display the landed shuttle – more on that when the time comes.
The model is so big that my Star Destroyer photo setup is actually already too small for it… nevertheless, today there are a few photos of the current state of construction of the Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle. You can see that I have already copied and attached some details of the studio model – including the two twin laser cannons at the front of the hull and the two longer twin laser cannons at the front at the base of the lateral stabiliser fins, which can be swivelled outwards in landing mode on the raised fins.
Building a Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle for Star Wars Legion - Part 5
Building a Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle for Star Wars Legion - Part 5
Building a Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle for Star Wars Legion - Part 5
Building a Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle for Star Wars Legion - Part 5
Building a Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle for Star Wars Legion - Part 5

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Cult of Games Member

Wow, just Wow

Cult of Games Member


Cult of Games Member

Beautiful work on your shuttle, well done!

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