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Demonsub goes all in with Sláine

Demonsub goes all in with Sláine

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More Weird Stones

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 10

Just a small update to show off my two new weird stones I got from Scotia Grendel (I stole this idea from Zoidpinhead’s Sláine project).

These are solid, hefty pieces of resin that feel like rock in the hand. It’s a much harder resin than I’m used to and I’ve not seen it used anywhere else. It’s top quality stuff from Scotia Grendel, not to mention the speed of their very fast dispatch and delivery, which I’ve just done.

The details on these pieces are great. Loads of animal carvings and examples of ogham writing, a great fit for Sláine.

I used a green wash over the finished model to try to make these stones more weathered, as if the earth is trying to reclaim the rocks that were stolen from her. I also used 2mm moss tufts from Gamer Grass which I think work quite well.

I’m about halfway through painting the Earth Tribe box, so they’ll be my next post when they are done, hopefully not too long.

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Darren HarmonzoidpinheadTuffyears Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Man you got some Impressive stones, gotta get me some

Cult of Games Member

Great paint job. I love the effect you got with that green wash they look so much better than mine. I’m also on the Earth Tribe and Heroes. Looking forward to seeing how yours look.

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