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Random miniatures and everything else that doesn't fit

Random miniatures and everything else that doesn't fit

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Dungeon Masters

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 8

A Kickstarter from early 2021

A set of dungeon themed miniatures, featuring classic heroes and villains, sculpted by no other than Boris Woloszyn.

I got myself 4 villains and now… well… I try to paint them. Assembly was a bit of a pita since the slots on the feet were so thick that the feet started bending when I used clippers on them. And each mini had one limb that needed to be attached and superglue really doesn’t like me.

How it started...How it started...
...and how it's going....and how it's going.

Tomorrow, if the weather allows, I’ll prime them. And I think I will try something new (to me) for painting… stay tuned!

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sundancerhorati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Good sir I will recommend jewelers saw blades to avoid the clipper issue on feet. It also keeps them flat and makes pinning easier. Otto Frei there in Europe offers blades ($2520saw$2520blades)

I recommend using wax as a lubricant when you do your cutting

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