Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!
Building a Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle for Star Wars Legion - Part 3
With a second attempt and as much swearing as sheer determination, I covered the left-hand boom. The difficulties here are the recesses, which must have an exact width, length and spacing so that the rotating cylinders of the mechanism behind them lie flush behind the recesses. This requires exact cutting, sanding and later gluing. Since I cut these parts from 1mm thick plastic cardboard, which is already quite stiff, they also have to be bent so that they don’t have too much tension when gluing, otherwise gluing becomes an orgy of frustration (as with attempt 1…). I made the fairing in two parts – this way the individual elements were easier to bend and had less tension during gluing than a single large part, and I was able to align the front recess exactly by removing one of the two abutting edges. But this also means that you have to do quite a bit of sanding after gluing so that everything – especially the two abutting edges – is nice and flat.
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