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Slow Grow 28-AWI Collection

Slow Grow 28-AWI Collection

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How I Paint My AWI Collection - Part 4 Arms!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Prime the whole sprue the same primer as the body.Prime the whole sprue the same primer as the body.
Just paint the Base color onto the sprue. Just paint the Base color onto the sprue.

Base and Arms

(From L to R)

  1. Now that the Body is finished, I paint the “Ground” around the body the Base color of your choice.
  2. Snip off the arms from the sprue, making sure you keep each pair close together. You can snip and glue on one pair at a time if necessary.
  3. Midtone and Highlight only what is visible. For example, leave the underarm the base color.

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