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Slow Grow 28-AWI Collection

Slow Grow 28-AWI Collection

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How I Paint My AWI Collection - Part 3 Redcoats and Facing

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Redcoats       (From L to R)

  1. Start with your last layer of Scarlet Red. Add a dark Navy Blue to it until you get a Maroon you are happy with. Paint the whole coat this color. It’s okay if it’s a little messy on the facing.
  2. Then mix in less Navy Blue to the Scarlet Red for your next layer, Midtone. Use vertical thin strokes to add your paint to the mini. Remember to keep away from the edge of the belts or any other detail that is not coat.
  3. Just use Scarlet Red now to highlight where you think light would be bouncing off of; shoulders, raised wrinkles, tips and such.




Facing and Small Clothes

(From L to R)

  1. Facing next. I painted the tails facing in a very light Grey. Then highlighted it White.
  2. The lapel Facing is painted Black because this the the 64th. While I had the Black paint out, I added a little of the light Grey to it and highlighted anything painted black on the mini.
  3. For the Small Clothes I just used the very Light Grey. One stroke, take your time.

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