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A long time ago at a Hobby Weekend far far away…

A long time ago at a Hobby Weekend far far away…

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First Attempt

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
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There are quite a few Oil Brusher sets to choose from but what attracted me to this one was the colour ‘Starship Bay Sludge’ – This seemed like the obvious choice for grubbing up my walkers.

First Attempt

My understanding of this technique is that you thin the Oil Paint quite heavily in order to allow the capillary action to draw the paint into the recesses. This is why it is beneficial to gloss the model, allowing for a better paint flow. I had picked up some low oder thinners for this purpose and used the brush from the bottle to mix a small amount on an old pallet. 

First Attempt

I picked a small area of the model to work on and applied the thinned oil paint carefully, but not too preciously, as the next step of the process would involve removing the excess.

First Attempt

I left the paint for about 15-20 mins before removing the excess with a an old stiff brush and a little thinners. I also found a piece of sponge worked well for passing over the larger areas.

First Attempt

I was surprised by how much control I had of the paint and was able to move the colour around, as well as remove or streak it. I decided to test a bigger area and so worked down the leg. Here you can see my initial application and then after clean up. Pretty happy with the result but I feel that too much paint has been removed from some places. I think I need to leave it longer to dry before removal.

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Cult of Games Member

Ooh fantastic job No ewoks were harmed in the making of this project.

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