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Robin paints Genestealer Cults

Robin paints Genestealer Cults

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Secret project part 2

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So as the secret project is underway the first stage of painting which included using the airbrush and a LOT of weathering.

The first step was to spray orange as a dark undercoat then yellow. The glow was achieved with Waystone Green and then highlighted with Moot Green. As a first venture into glow I felt like I achieved a 6/10 for what I had in my head. I then painted some sections of armour purple along with the colour scheme I had in my head and used tape to provide guidelines for the hazard strips I had in mind.

Weathering included:

A wash with Reikland Fleshshade to darken everything and then use of “rust” pigments. The final stage of the weathering was to use a sponge to dab on black- brown- gun metal- then silver to give the impression of tarnished/ destroyed paint.

I then painted the details including the ones I’ve added on like the wires. I also included my usual exhaust drybrush with copper- blue- purple and black to look like burn out!

Without further ado here’s the top of the knight!

PS I did write House Mortimer on the scroll on the torso but have painted it over to try again as I feel like it made the model look abit less.

Just after first airbrush! Just after first airbrush!
Bottom torsoBottom torso
Top of torsoTop of torso
Side Side

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