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Demonsub goes all in with Sláine

Demonsub goes all in with Sláine

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The Rest of the Heroes from the Starter Box Completed

Tutoring 11
Skill 15
Idea 14

After playing my first game I went back to the miniatures I’d started and finished them off, mainly adding and working on the highlights but sometimes reworking some of the colours until I was happy with the model. I then added the base grass effects.

The preorder model, Sláine The King.


Ukko, the dwarf.

The main cast of many an adventure before returning to Sláine’s tribe.The main cast of many an adventure before returning to Sláine’s tribe.
Three aspects of Sláine.Three aspects of Sláine.

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Darren Harmonbuggeroff Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

great work, well done 🙂

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