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Bot War - Mercenaries

Bot War - Mercenaries

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Day 26 - Basing begins

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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With all bots to 90% complete it’s time to remove them from their bases and begin a big batch build so they can then be reattached before the finishing touches are applied.


If you haven’t seen my Bot War basing before it’s a pretty straight forward process but involves thick AK-Interactive diorama paste and airbrushing. I’d rather not risk messing up the bots at this stage so I’m going to carefully remove each one…. And hope that I don’t cause any damage in the process.

Sadly, I do expect some casualties, so I have taken my first proper group shot of them all before I begin.

Mercenaries factionMercenaries faction

Well it was a pretty successful debasing. 22 bases removed with only 1 mild chip on the food of one symbiote, so I’m happy with that as it will be an easy fix.

Day 26 - Basing begins

With the bases removed I set out with my pot of AK-Interactive Rough Terrain paste and some Instant Base Scatter from Rival Crafts and applied a mix of everything to the bases which after some drying time to firm up was blasted with Army Painter Anti-Shine varnish ready for painting tomorrow.

Day 26 - Basing begins
Day 26 - Basing begins

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