PanzerKaput Goes To Barons' War
Partizan Show Baron's WarGame, the Scenario and Plan
4 Weeks to Go to Partizan Wargaming and History show at Newark Showground on 22nd May and the The Barons’ War: A Medieval Skirmish Game facebook group will be putting on The Battle of Charnwood.
The details of the game
Being on the border of the Abbot William Pepyn’s lands and the King’s Forest of Charmwood the two rival villages of Humerstane and Hamilton have stood across looking, some might say spying, on each other since the start of the Barons’ War and wondered how long it will be before them are truly involved in the war. With the warm late spring day on a Friday, the 11th day before the Kaland of June, in the month of digging ditches, first ploughing of fallow fields, in the 17th year of the reign of King John, (22nd May 1215), when the uncivil act of war came to the villages.
Standing across the Barkby Brook that marks as a boundary between the lands, both villages can clearly see each other, well actually only the village seen or heard because of its church of St Mary’s, while the village of Hamilton has none and the flock have to attend services in St Mary’s in Cuinburg, as they cannot cross into the lands of the rebel Abbot. But on this Friday both the forces of Abbot William Pepyn and his forces of St Mary de Pratis and the forces of Sir Thomas Burton of Loughburga, Lord Warden of the King’s Forest, had crossed over the brook and where scouting and probing the lands for the advantage and weakness in each other. This was done much to the displeasure of the local Lords, Robert Hotoft of Humerstane and John Paget of Hamilton, who both were to find their Lords forces on their doorstep, intent on causing mayhem and war across there lands, so they rapidly drew their forces together.
The riders from the respective Lord came with orders to defend their villages against the enemy that had invaded their lands and the local Lord set about assembling their man into units to defend and set up their defences. As the sun drew close to the mid-day the invading forces set to there attacks and objectives and the defend looked in horror as they realised that the war had come for them today.
The Forces
There are two retinues on each side, an attacking force and a defending force.
The King’s Forces
The attacking force is led by of Sir Thomas Burton of Loughburga, Lord Warden of the King’s Forest. This is a 1000 point force led by a Lord.
The defending force is led by of Sir John Paget of Hamilton. This is a 1000 point force.
The Barons’ Forces
The attacking force is led by of Abbot William Pepyn, of the Abbot of St Mary de Pratis. This is a 1000 point force led by a Lord.
The defending force is led by of Sir Robert Hotoft of Humerstane. This is a 1000 point force.
Victory Conditions
The conditions are as follows.
There are 6 objectives placed on the table, 3 on each side and the side with the most objectives at the end of the game is the victor.
These objectives are placed as follows:
1 in the village, 1 at the brook and 1 on the attacking forces centre, (see map)
An objective is controlled by the player who has the most individual figures within 3″ of a particular objective at the end of a round. Once a player gains control of an objective, it remains under that player’s control until their opponent can take control.
All Groups must be deployed a minimum of 3″ away from any objective when setting up their retinue at the start of a game.
If either Abbot William Pepyn or Sir Thomas Burton of Loughburga is slain/captured during the game then the game ends and the other side is the victor.
The details of the event are here https://www.facebook.com/events/170534078164873/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22search_results%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D
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