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Slow Grow 28-AWI Collection

Slow Grow 28-AWI Collection

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How I Paint My AWI Collection - Part 1 Faces

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I prime all my Miniatures in Citaldel Corax WhiteI prime all my Miniatures in Citaldel Corax White

We all have paint collections so I’m not going to say which ones I use. I list colors and mixes.

From Left to Right

  1. Paint on base Flesh color, then heavy Flesh Wash. Let dry.
  2. Go back with your base Flesh color and paint nose, brow, cheeks etc all raised areas. Leave some wash in outer and recessed areas. Don’t get paint in the eyes!
  3. Lighten base Flesh 25% and paint same areas with smaller brush strokes.
  4. Lighten base color 50%. thin strokes to eyebrow, nose, chin and cheek etc. Build this layer up with smaller strokes.
  5. Base color lightened 75% add small thin strokes to tip of nose, cheek etc. Any area you think the light would be reflecting off.  In this case only half of the face is in shadow. I only highlighted the right side of the face. Mix a mid tone Grey with water and add wash to lower face as shadow/stubble. Thin line of Purple for the lower lip. Paint the hair your choice of color.
  6. Go in with White and paint the shirt Lace. Then a thin horizontal line in Black for the ribbon around neck.

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