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Husaria - Building a Polish army for the 1620s

Husaria - Building a Polish army for the 1620s

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A second Button of Gold!

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 10
A second Button of Gold!

Supper chuffed to have a second Golden Button for Husaria!  Thank you.

I understand this means that I only need another 48 until I can cash them all in for a meal at Pizza Hut with one of the OTT crew; who to pick?! ?

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Andy @ The Friends of General Haig (FOGH)Squirrel Lord Recent comment authors
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Justin won’t eat any veg, so if you fancy making the most of your meal invite him and get a pizza with peppers and other such on it.
If you plan on dieting Warren will demolish the pizza for you.
The rest of us are on a sliding scale.

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