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Bot War - Mercenaries

Bot War - Mercenaries

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Day 18 - Heavy Barrage

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Pushing on through the Merc Bots after Oleeta and the symbiotes, I chose to focus on the big brute Heavy Barrage. With his lower half tank treads, and a turret on his back this guy is tough. In-game he rolls 3 shield dice with a re-roll for one against ranged attacks, has a pretty hard hitting 3 attack dice which when couple with his Artillery Support special ability can rain down some big blasts. He’s also a great battery as he can potentially generate 5 energy cubes per turn which is great for maintaining those super abilities.

Painting wise I realised this bot shares the same torso as Blackwheel and the Valiant Supercharge, I thought it looked familiar. This is how most of the Mercenaries are, formed from parts of previously sculpted bots and released as promos. Its been fun trying to work out the original models that these Mercs are based on.

Painting wise though I used the same workup as the rest, and have left the tracks just blocked on for now as I will tackle them all on one go later in the project.


Day 18 - Heavy Barrage

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