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Uruk Hai, the return! And more……..much much more

Uruk Hai, the return! And more……..much much more

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OPEN QUESTION, to all comers

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

The latest XLBS mentioned asymmetrical gaming. Asymmetrical games would entirely solve my problem!

The chaps are not keeping up with the Uruk hai progress, I’m easily twice the points or more than them, at this stage.

Suggestions please! What could I get them playing in Warhammer 6th or Kings of War that might be fun and isn’t a siege of a castle. I haven’t made a castle yet, got a semi fortified town but no castle. It’s about 6 thousand points to 3 thousand (at most) at the moment.

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Cult of Games Member

Desperate rear-guard action? The smaller force has to last as long as possible, but accepts they’ll be wiped out eventually.

Surgical strike? The smaller force needs to eliminate a few specific elements of the larger force to win.

Cult of Games Member

You could play with off-table reinforcements that come on later in the game. For your opponent, they recycle their defeated units, whilst you draw on the rest of your collection.

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