Spring Cleaning with Slaanesh
Slaanesh provides divine inspiration
- I started off with 4 figures, to make an army I had to buy some stuff.
- 1 box of Chaos Space Marines
- Two of each Noise Marine upgrade kits
- Chaos half of Eldritch Omens
- Venom Crawler
- Two Greater Possessed
I spent two days building them and then I could start painting. I started with a black undercoat followed by a thinned black paint followed by three progressive dry brushes finishing with a light grey.
I then painted all of the chosen armour panels in GW Genestealer Purple, a couple of the models have had their flesh painted, a mix off Army Painter (AP) Barbarian Flesh and GW Daemonette Hide.
I am mow onto the dreaded gold phase, I have completed one Noise Marine and started the Venom Crawler, this is going to take a longtime hence starting this project to inspire me to keep going.
I doubt I will be posting for a while as I have the mammoth task of painting all the gold trim, followed by any fleshy bits, then everything painted so far will be given a purple wash, then I will close down my painting to doing squads……. probably?
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