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Spring Clean Challenge 2022 - Project: Ghostmaker

Spring Clean Challenge 2022 - Project: Ghostmaker

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Re-reading The Lost

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Just wanted to put these thoughts down whilst they are fresh – I got to the end of the most recent Audible release for Gaunt’s Ghosts in my library (Sabbat Martyr) and rather than jumping straight over to Salvations reach (the vagaries of publishing meant that Black Library did the three most recent books before going back to do the series from the beginning) started in on the omnibus edition of The Lost arc in the Kindle app on my iPad. In the last few days I’ve gotten through Traitor General and His Last Command, just starting The Amour of Contempt last night, so should get to Only In Death by the weekend, and I’ve gotta say this is easily the hardest arc to get through. Don’t get me wrong, there is also probably some of the strongest writing of Abnett’s career amongst these 4 books, but man they are so, so dark.

It has been good though as I’m getting a feel for the individual Ghosts I want to try and do specific conversions for. In no particular order:

  • Tona Criid
  • Angus Brostin
  • Nessa Boreah
  • Mach Bonin
  • Wes Maggs
  • Ayatanni Zweil
  • Anna Curth
  • Seema & Arilla
  • Bask Baskavyl
  • Ban Daur
  • Zhukhova
  • Major Pasha
  • Choria
  • Ree Parday
  • Commissars Hark, Ludd, Faikuzil & Blemmer
  • Lyse
  • Shoggy Domor
  • And many, many more

Now here’s my big question though, and I’m hoping some of the community can help: Do I do try and represent a specific moment in time for the Tanith First? Or do I instead make the infantry somewhat generic and look to represent the notables of the First & Only from throughout it’s existence? Now admittedly this last is kindof already the direction things are going, given the plastic Gaunt’s Ghost box represents a very specific period from the earliest days of the regiment. Thoughts would be appreciated.


(top tip – Amazon have all 4 GG omnibuses for £2.99 a pop, plus a load of other Black Library books at daft prices)

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