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Bob's Battletech

Bob's Battletech

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Deployment and 1st Move

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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I initially deployed the Clan mechs and then thought, err might be an idea to look at the mech sheets. Based on that the initial Clan Deployment had the 2 Omni Mechs with the better pilots and Clan ER  and better gunners sit back on the hills behind the Lake, and the 2nd Line mechs further forward.


Deployment and 1st Move

The Knights two Jump capable mechs came on the map on the Right hiding behind the woods  the King Crab the only one not Jump capable, was in the center again by behind the wood and the Nightstar hugged the left flank wood.

Deployment and 1st Move

Initiative cards were dealt, and the Inner sphere Crockett moved 1st, walking towards the hill in the center, unfortunately it left itself in the open. How unfortunate and for who would be revealed later.

As the initiative played out the 3 Clan 2nd liners moved forward to take advantage of the Crocketts misfortune and the lumbering Inner Sphere Heavies move to support their exposed Lance mate.

Deployment and 1st Move
Deployment and 1st Move
Deployment and 1st Move
Deployment and 1st Move

Been a while since I have played so a bit rusty, I forgot to move the Clan Ryoken  so it got no shots, the Conjurer was left exposed, on the hill with only one light wood to its front as I forgot that on level 3 it was above most of the main woods and I’d accidentally picked a Nightstar equipped with Clan Weapons (Handwavium , I’d paid the BPV so it was acquired by Knights just before op and pressed into service)

Well there was then a lovely light show of Lasers , PPC, Lightning bolts, missiles long and Short range  with the whoosh of Guass Rifles, and it looked like it was going to be a total non event till the King Crab and Nightstar opened fire, The Crab got a lucky hit on 10’s (for me) and the Nightstar with its gunnery skill 2 and Clan weapons hit with an ERPPC and Large Pulse on the exposed Conjurer,  the result being internal damage and critical to Right leg, internal damage to Right  arm, a leg actuater out  and a wounded pilot, causing it to fall over.


Deployment and 1st Move

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